Sunday, January 18, 2015

God's Stupid Plan at SLHS

“Nothing in life is free.”

Most would agree with this statement because it is proven true over and over again.  But the Scriptures tell us about a plan for sinners to get to heaven through absolutely no work of their own and absolutely free of charge.

That sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it? 

From a standpoint of logic, it really is stupid!  Logic doesn't fit with the idea that the Creator of the universe would die for the people he created.  Logic doesn't fit with the idea that belief can be given to someone through words and water.  Logic would call that stupid.

We call it grace. 

And it’s wonderful to witness in person.

Recently, a handful of our SLHS faculty and staff were able to observe a baptism of Chris, a sophomore at Shoreland.  It was a miracle of faith (although it probably would have looked stupid to any onlookers who don’t recognize this as a blessing from God).  Praise God that “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom!”  (1 Cor 1:25)

Over the past 18 months, the Holy Spirit worked through the Word being taught at SLHS and brought Chris into his family of believers.

Thanks be to God for his free and “stupid” plan!