Friday, September 4, 2015

The Workshop of the Holy Spirit

The reaction from an outsider can be powerful, can’t it?

A couple days ago, we had a visitor on campus.  The first words out of his mouth were, “Wow!  It’s nice to be back on the campus of a Christian school!  I can’t believe how friendly your students were when I was trying to find the office.  That would never happen at other places.”

This gentleman immediately recognized something about our ministry that we often overlook or take for granted.  Our classrooms, our hallways, our athletic fields – they are all workshops of the Holy Spirit.  And the Spirit’s work is evident in the lives of our students!  Praise God!

Please continue to pray for the SLHS ministry.  Pray that the Christian lives of our students are not simply evident through their actions, but that they also seize every opportunity to share their faith in their community.

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